Sunday, August 25, 2019

4H, Funnel Cakes and Fair.

The girls have finished their first year of 4H.  It was a ton of work and a ton of reward.  They experienced their first fair.  The girls met with the other club members to decorate their booth the week of the fair.  Sidney was in charge of making the banner.  Kendall was in charge of putting the historian book together.  All of the girls did a fantastic job.

The girls dressed up and participated in 4H judges interviews.  They prepared and did an outstanding job.  Sidney even won the junior division overall record book award.

Three of the 'City Stitchers' decided to participate in the fashion revue.  It was such an awesome confidence building event.  The lady that ran the event was amazing and helped all of the girls feel at ease during their practice.  The day of the show, they rocked it!

The girls earned a blue ribbon for their fashion narrative and runway style.

We spent a long full day at the fair.  When it was time for dinner, Sidney chose a steak quesadilla from Basilios.  Her first words were 'it is huge'.  She managed to put it all away and looked like she was sleep eating.

We rode the sky ride, which is a gondola that goes over the fairgrounds end to end.  I loved watching all the activity down below.  It was also great for scoping out our next food stop.

Grandma Karen is absolutely afraid of heights, but somehow Grandma Terrell talked her into riding.  The girls and I were shocked to see them as we were on our way back.  

We managed to devour a funnel cake in about 30 seconds flat.  I was embarrassed when Bill stopped by with his family to say hello.  I was sure he had witnessed the funnel cake massacre!

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