Saturday, December 29, 2018

A Very Merry (and emotional) Christmas!

Kevin's side of the family came back to help us celebrate Christmas.  At Halloween, Kevin talked us all into running the Christmas 'fun' Run.  He had no intention of running it, but he managed to talk us into it.  We dressed up, but found that we were actually quite under-dressed.  There were some amazing costumes.
I had to get a close up of Sidney.  She put wrapping bows on the sides of her glasses.
The run was awesome.  It was a cold morning, but it felt great to get out and do it.  It was also awesome to think that Kevin had put us up to this and was with us in spirit.

Here is our clan, most of it.  Chip was taking the picture and Lisa and Kaden had left for the night.

Sidney read a nativity poem and used my Willow Tree set as props.

Kendall played a couple of Christmas songs on the piano.

The girls did a very special candle lighting ceremony to honor and remember their dad. 

Kevin and I got the girls hoverboards for Christmas.  I would like it noted that I thought this was a TERRIBLE idea.  Kevin assured me that we had insurance.  Fortunately, it only took a few minutes for the girls to figure them out.  Now they are riding around the neighborhood.

Lisa stayed a couple of extra days and took the girls to a movie and swimming. 

It was a great Christmas.  There were a number of moments that my heart felt very heavy, but mostly we celebrated and tried to remember the ones that were not here this year!

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