Monday, February 1, 2016

That 70's Show.

My mom has sent me a few old pictures as of late.  I love receiving these gems.  I was born in Santa Cruz in the early 70's (no calculations necessary).  I remember early life on the beach and adventures in our VW bus (that my mom sold in a yard sale).  Looking through the pictures reminds me of then.
The first one goes a little further back.  It is a picture of my Grandma Juanita.  She has told us stories of how she used to Jitterbug and Yodel on the radio. 
This is a Sweet 16 picture of my beautiful Mom.

My Aunt Nena and my Mom.

Here is a picture of my cousin Ron with my Mom.  He will always be Ronnie to me .

Here is one of the first pictures of my Dad and Mom together while they were dating.

Here are my Dad and Mom on their wedding day.

 Our sweet little family.  This was taken before my sister was born.

My sister Stephanie and I hamming it up for the camera.  I am the cute one on the right.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

You look JUST like your mom (especially when she was 16)! And the last one of you and your sister - you look just like Sidney! I always see Kevin in her, but there is a TON of Heather!