Sunday, June 15, 2014

So proud of this girl!

Women, girls...females of all ages, shapes, and sizes.  We are INCREDIBLY hard on each other!  I suppose I might be jumping on my soap box, but I really hope that I can make a small impact on this reality.  I try to talk very openly to my girls and educate them on their bodies.  I want them to understand and be comfortable with their body parts and what each one of them are designed to do.  We talk about how different foods helps our bodies.  We also talk about how other foods are not neccessarily healthy for us, but they are good for the soul (think chocolate)!  We try to stay active and strong. 

I have talked to them about encouraging others and commenting only when we have nice things to say.  We talk about how there are times when we wish we were taller, shorter, blond haired, curly haired, straight haired, etc, but that ultimately we are healthy and should learn to be happy with what God has decided to give us.  We joke that if we all looked alike it would be very creepy.

However, society is constantly telling them something else.  Society is constantly telling all of us something else.  A few weeks back Kendall told me about one of her classmates that was sad at school, because she thought she was fat.  Seriously, these are first graders!  We talked at length about how she could encourage her friend and how sad it was that such a young girl was concerned about that.

Then about a week later, the girls and I were getting ready to go to the swimming pool.  Kendall and Sidney were in the laundry room getting their swimsuits on.  I heard Kendall say to Sid, "Man Sid, we are getting fat".  I opened the door and asked her to repeat what she said.  She repeated herself then told me, "I am just kidding."  I told her that I was not mad at her but those kind of remarks are very hurtful whether joking or not.  The three of us sat down and talked for a few minutes about how women of all ages put so many pressures on each other.    I love a good gossip magazine, but one month they are bashing a star for being too fat.  The next month, the magazine bashes that star for losing weight and now they are too skinny.  Seriously? 

It was a great conversation.  We talked about how off handed comments can stay with people for years.  At one point, Kendall asked me if I ever struggled with liking myself.  I was very honest and told her that as a young girl, I made the mistake of listening to society and have always been very hard on myself.  I also told her that no one taught me any differently.  As an adult, I have worked very hard to "unlearn" those self deprecating thoughts.

Then, my sweet Sidney piped in to share a story of her own.  She told us that she was at the pool a few days earlier and there was a woman that had her t-shirt on over her swim suit.  It was a very hot day, and she innocently asked this woman why she was keeping her t-shirt on.  The woman told her, "Because I am fat."  Sidney replied to the woman, "No.  You are not fat.  You are beautiful."  The story nearly made my eyes water.  What a sweet girl!  I truly hope that I will raise confident young women that will continue to encourage others.

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