Thursday, April 11, 2013

Partying Like Rock Stars.

The girls spent spring break up at my parents house.  They had an excellent time.  Kevin and I met my Mom in Grangeville on the Sunday before spring break and transferred the girls.  It was a party the minute they got in the car with Grandma Karen.  She had not even gotten them all the way to her house before they were making stops at Baskin Robbins for ice cream

My mom took them on a visit to see Grandma Juanita, Aunt Sharon and Aunt Nena.  It was great for them to visit with their relatives that they do not get to see too often.  Grandma Juanita showered them with love and kisses.

Aunt Nena let them each pick out a hand crocheted purse.  She also gave them some awesome pictures that she had drawn. 

Sidney took Aunt Sharon for a few laps around the driveway.

They played nonstop with the neighbor kids.  They made homemade ice cream by passing the mixture in a Ziploc bag back and forth to each other and mixing it by hand.  They even had the opportunity to decorate Easter eggs for the first time ever.  I have never been brave enough to do this with them.

They hung out with their cousins Dylan and Hallie.  Big D is always so good with the girls.

My mom promised me that the pictures on the motorcycle were for posing only...hmm.  She also tells me that what happens and Grandma and Papa's stays there.  Should I be worried?

Sidney also informed me that they had "movie night every night."  I love that they get to spend this special time with their family.  The week flew by and I went back up to Grangeville to meet my Mom on the Saturday before Easter to pick them up.  They got back just in time for the Easter bunny. 

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