Wednesday, February 13, 2013


The first window is the one in the middle of Kendall's mouth.  She can officially sing "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth."  The best part?  Grandma Terrell knocked this one out:)  It had been hanging on by a thread for days.  It came out while Kendall and Grandma were tossing a stuffed puppy back and forth.  I tried to get her to smile big for the camera, but I was cutting in to her computer time.  This will be a picture for the record book.

I finally finished the great room window treatments.  First came the cornice boxes, then the artwork, but the room still did not feel warm  My mom suggested panels on each side of the window.  That did the trick.  It warmed the room right up.   That is why she is the professional. 

I put some simple tiebacks on each panel for accent.  One of the things that I learned along the way?  If you are going to use tiebacks they should be placed at a third point;  either the lower third or the upper third depending on the look you want.

A few weeks ago we were out and about checking out the thrift stores and toy stores.  I spotted this toy iron and ironing board, which I thought Sid would have a blast with.  She loved it!  The funny thing is that she knew exactly what to do with the iron.  The next thing I knew she had a baby on her hips and was pretending to iron.  I swear she did not learn that from me.  I did not iron with a baby on my hips (do you believe me)?  In fact, if the truth be told I despise ironing and more often than not deem a toss in the drier will suffice.

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