Monday, January 10, 2011

A Belated Happy New Years

This is a little late coming, but better late than never!  We spent New Years Eve with the Brandt family.  It was a great evening, enjoying good company and watching the girls play.  We all marveled at how different things were just fours short years ago.  We were with the Parson's at my cousins cabin in McCall.  We had stayed the weekend, skiing, eating, sipping eggnog and playing a few games.  Now we have 6 kids among us and there is never a dull moment (Did I mention they are all girls?).  Here is the only shot that I managed to get of the three older girls together.  The Parson's were unable to join us this year, because of crazy sickness!

It always amazes me that Emily is only 3 months older than Sid.  It seems like she is decades older.  At that age, they learn so much in such a short period.  I can always look to Emily to see what Sid might be doing next.  Emily has mastered the potty, so I can only hope that she will master that next.  In fact the following morning, Sid managed to go to the bathroom in the potty.  Then she kept saying how she was a big girl like Kendall and Emily.

Here is the infamous game of catch.  The girls had a blast.  They did not seem to mind that the head of the animal was somewhat dangerous.  It was perfect to them.  A little weight in the head makes for a good toss!

 Claire just admired all of the fun and probably cannot wait until she is big enough to join in the fun.

Photo courtesy of Kendall.  She loves to take pictures, and we will take what we can get.

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