Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Great Egg Hunt

This is the first year that Kendall truly got it. She was very excited for the Easter Bunny to come. Last night (after some prompting from Dad) we made the Easter Bunny some blueberry muffins. Seriously...what Easter Bunny eats muffins. Well our Easter Bunny did, because the only thing left on the plate was some crumbs (more on that later...)

The girls got all dressed up in their outfits and we went to church today. Kendall had two assignments. One - no crying in Sunday School class. Two - she was to introduce herself to at least one new person. She did them both and had a great time in class. She was even helping the teacher wipe down tables afterward.
After church we went to an Easter egg hunt in the park. It was beautiful out, but FREEZING. So we left our hoods on until the hunt began. Then off went the hoods so we could see all of the eggs clearly! Sid needed no instruction at all. She was an egg hunt champ. Kendall was off at the word go and had a blast.

Afterward as we were walking back to the car, Kendall remarked on the large number of eggs that the Easter bunny had left in the park. Without even thinking about it, I replied "Well that was probably because of all the muffins he ate". REALLY...what was I thinking? As Kevin and I started laughing hysterically, Kendall kept asking what we were laughing at. "You don't want to know" was all that Kevin would tell her. Someday she is going to know what dorks her parents are. But for now, we will remain very cool!


Phone: (208) 255-8085 said...

They look soooooooooo cute in their dresses and buckets.I can truly say muffins were never left for the easter bunny you silly girl.How fun Easter is with kids.We love you dad and mom

Gerbicks said...

hey, i laughed out loud at your muffin -egg dropping bunny comment! parents ARE cool, lol. their dresses are cute! & we have the same bucket basket thing, with shovel attached. (it's great for washing hair or that time could also be called water-boarding child style).